Inerface Definition

A brief description of the IOS interface and setings

Live:  for live connection. Will turn to square when there is connection made.

Save: for saving recorded files and audio. saves to iphone files folder. your fbx and audio should be inside “FACEMOTION3D” folder. 

Play: plays back recorded file (last recorded file)


Record: Starts the recording or facial capture.  Stay about two feet from the camera and do not get out of the capture range area (about a feet from the camera’s center).


Reset: resets the avatars rotation and size.  It also calibrates the facial motion caputre data for each individual face if turned on in the "Behavior of Rest Button" in the settings page.  the button to turn on for custom calibration is "Reset the initial value of the Blendshape".  This is useful feature for those with facial features that are bit different that normal (ex: very small squinty eyes)

Select avatar: you can press and choose the avatar that you want to use for capture and viewing on the app’s screen.

Settings: takes to the settings pages with various options and settings. 

Emotion/Visime sliders:  These are special sliders to aiding in facial capture details (sad brows, asymetrical brows, F/V and TH).  more examples will be 

provided in how to utitlize these functions in production. 

-Settings:  There are various settings and options in the settings page.  We will list them one by and explain their usage and functions:

-Enable Head Rotation:    enables or disables head rotation capture.  for motion body capture senario where head rotation is provide by the mocap (rokoko, PN, xsens, etc), you should disable head rotation data since head/neck rotation data is provided by mocap. 

-Adjusting the motion weight: controls the strength of each or global blendshape strengths

 Usually a global strength of 1.2 yields overall good results.

-you can also individually select each blendshapes and increase it’s sensitivity.


-Smoothing Motion: smoothes the head rotation.  You can turn it on or off.   .3 generally yields good results.  It gets rid of the jitter in the head rotation.

-Behavior of Reset Button: allows you to choose what the reset button in the main screen does.  If you have setup your blendshapes strength specifically for you, then you shouldn’t check the “Reset the initial value of the BlendShapes”.  Default as seen below is recommended.

Stream Settings: Settings for DAZ, MAYA, BLENDER and UNITY.    

For frame rate (fps), DAZ: 60 fps, MAYA: 15-30 fps, Blender: 20 fps (shaded mode), Unity 30-60 fps works well.  

Detailed explanation in video tutorial for other features and instructions.  

Purchases:   let’s you purchase subscription or perpetual license for the app and it’s modules.